Professor Mike Michael


Sociology, philosophy and anthropology


Contact Details:


Relevant projects:

2011-14. Sustainability Invention and Energy Demand Reduction: Co-Designing Communities and Practice. RCUK Energy and Communities Programme (ES/1007318/1); 2021-23. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships – Dr Jose Canada. AQUATIC: Aquatic Intersections: Temporality and more-than-human intersectionality in marine ecosystems (114171-R-00-10002412-25920).

Relevant publications:

Michael, M. (in press). Knives, the More-Than-Human and Speculative Fabrication for the Chthulucene. In A. Franklin (ed) The More-than-Human Handbook. London: Routledge; Dey, T. and Michael, M. (2021). Plastic Possibilities: Contrasting the Uses of Plastic ‘Waste’ in India. Anthropology Today, 37(3), 11-15; Boucher, A., Gaver, W., Kerridge, T., Michael, M., Ovalle, L., Plummer-Fernandez, M, and Wilkie, A. (2018). Energy Babble: Entangling Design and STS. Manchester: MatteringPress; Michael, M., Wilkie, A. and  Ovalle, L. (2018) Aesthetics and Affect: Engaging Energy Communities, Science as Culture, 27(4), 439-463; Michael, M. (2014). Afterword: On the Topologies and Temporalities of Disaster. The Sociological Review, 62, S1, 236-245; Gabrys, J., G. Hawkins and Michael, M. (eds) (2013) Accumulation: The Material Politics of Plastic. London: Routledge; Michael, M. (2009). ‘The-Cellphone-In-The-Countryside’: On Some Ironic Spatialities Of Technonature.  In  Damian White And Chris Wilbert (eds). Technonatures (pp. 85-104). Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier University Press; Michael, M. (2004). Roadkill: Between Humans, Nonhuman Animals, and Technologies. Society and Animals, 12 (4), 277-298; Michael, M. (2000). Reconnecting Culture, Technology and Nature: From Society to Heterogeneity. London: Routledge; Michael, M. (2000). These Boots Are Made for Walking…: Mundane Technology, the Body and Human-Environment Relations. Body and Society, 6 (3-4), 107-126.



Kris Hill


Dr Anne-Marie Sim